2X Your Church's Online Audience


Want to double (2x) your church's online audience? I'll explain your three options in this video, but only one is practical.

Slow & steady approach to doubling your online audience:

1. If you have a worship experience and nothing else, you have just a crowd.

  • Why did you make your church your church? You felt deeply connected. Sunday morning is one expression of your church but not the primary expression. It's the relationships and how your church cares for your family/friends/community.

  • Do you care for those online? Do you have only a worship expression? Build more to care for those online better!

2. Launch a monthly Zoom that you promote as a hangout to learn more about your online community.

  • Call it "How to Connect with CHUCH NAME Online" or "101 to Getting Connected to CHURCH NAME" etc.

  • If you meet with three people a month on these Zooms x 12 months = 36 x 5 years = 180 people in your core, which will share their faith and double your online audience.

3. Meet with as many people part of your digital community over 60-90 days.

  • Do calls, Zooms, & ask what they want and how they got connected to your church. Get as much real data from people.

  • If you meet with people part of your online community regularly you'll know what they need, be able to recruit more volunteers and capture more stories. It will compound into creating things that help and grow your online community.

Start by increasing your core, not the crowd, and then you'll have a REAL COMMUNITY that will organically double your church's online audience.