Perfect Podcast to Send to Your Pastor to Embrace #ChurchOnline

Navigating the complicated waters of the digital disruption is tough. I’m an online pastor. My perspective is muddied because I want to jump into the deep end without a lifejacket.  I want everything to be online, and I wanted it yesterday. Plus, I have the luxury of focusing on my community solely. I'm not hovering at the level of senior leadership. My problems are smaller and easier to manage.


This is why I enjoyed the candid conversation with Clay Scroggins, the lead pastor of North Point Community Church and Carey Nieuwhof on his leadership podcast. They break down the digital disruption many churches are feeling practically from a senior leadership point of view. Clay and Carey talk through how the digital disruption is impacting what health looks like of an attendee, engagement is much more than one hour a week and prioritizing a future of a frictionless digital strategy. My challenge to you is to listen to the podcast, encourage your leadership as well, and set up a meeting to discuss the digital disruption. GO!